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648 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

La montagna incantata

Mann, Thomas
La montagna incantata

«La montagna incantata è un fedele, complesso, esauriente ritratto della civiltà occidentale dei primi decenni del Novecento e, nella sua incantata fusione di prosa e poesia, di vastità scientifica e di arte raffinata, è il libro, forse, più grandioso che sia stato scritto nella prima metà del secolo.» Con queste parole, un entusiasta Ervino Pocar concludeva l'introduzione all'edizione d...

CHF 32.00


Mann, Thomas

Tutti scritti entro il 1911, i racconti giovanili di Thomas Mann compresi in questa raccolta, tra i quali celeberrimi Il piccolo signor Friedemann e Sangue welsungo, recano già in sé l'impronta precisa di una visione del mondo che sarà poi dispiegata con maggiore ricchezza di pensiero e di stile nelle opere più mature. Brevi prose, studi preliminari, abbozzi rapidamente schizzati o narrazioni più organiche...

CHF 23.00

Bashan and I

Mann, Thomas
Bashan and I
In Bashan and I (sometime referred to as Man and Dog), Thomas Mann, the Nobel Prize-winning author of The Magic Mountain and Death in Venice, writes in the most remarkable way of the unique relation that links a dog with his master. These memoirs read as a novel, and describe in fierce detail the behavior, feelings and psychology of Mann¿s dog Bashan, and of Mann himself. Mann tells how he acquired Bashan, details traits of his character, and ...

CHF 18.50

Der Ire

Mann, Peter / Wörtche, Thomas / Lux, Stefan
Der Ire
September 1945. In den Trümmern von Berlin werden zwei Manuskripte gefunden, die jeweils widersprüchliche Versionen des Lebens eines irischen Spions während des Krieges wiedergeben. Das eine ist das Tagebuch des deutschen Offiziers des militärischen Nachrichtendienstes und Nazi-Gegners Adrian de Groot, der seine Beziehung zu seinem Agenten, Freund und manchmal auch Liebhaber, einem Iren namens Frank Pike, aufzeichnet. In de Groots Erzählung is...

CHF 27.90


Mann, Thomas / Westphal, Gert
Der weltfremde Dichter Detlev Spinell hat sich in die eisige Hochgebirgsluft des Sanatoriums Einfried zurückgezogen. Als Literat ist er bislang erfolglos geblieben, seine einzige Veröffentlichung ist ein schmaler Roman, »gedruckt auf einer Art von Kaffeesieb-Papier«. Eines Tages kommt die kränkliche, aber musisch begabte Gattin eines hanseatischen Kaufmanns ins Sanatorium, von der sich Spinell sofort angezogen fühlt. Noch bevor sie stirbt, kom...

CHF 21.50

Vom zukünftigen Sieg der Demokratie

Mann, Thomas
Vom zukünftigen Sieg der Demokratie
Diese leicht erweiterte Form eines Vortrags, den Thomas Mann im Frühjahr 1938 in 15 Städten der USA hielt, ist von geradezu prophetischer Kraft und inspirierender Aktualität. Denn heute erleben wir, dass die Grundwerte der Demokratie wieder infrage gestellt werden, dass Populismus und Nationalismus unsere demokratische Gesellschaft massiv unter Druck setzen. Schon früh erkannte Mann die Zeichen der Zeit und entwickelte sich zu einem wirkmächti...

CHF 14.50


Mann, Thomas
Reprint of the original 1924 English translation edition! Buddenbrooks is a 1901 novel by Thomas Mann, chronicling the decline of a wealthy north German merchant family over the course of four generations, incidentally portraying the manner of life and mores of the bourgeoisie. Mann drew deeply from the history of his own family, the Mann family of Lübeck, and their milieu. It was Mann's first novel, published when he was twenty-six years old....

CHF 40.90

Recht und Verantwortung

Mann, Thomas / Mainzer, Klaus / Kersandt, Peter / Spieler, Martin
Recht und Verantwortung
Das Umwelt- und Planungsrecht, insb. das Anlagenzulassungsrecht hat in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten grundlegende Veränderungen erfahren. Die Beiträge umspannen das Tätigkeitsfeld von Andrea Versteyl u.a. Bürokratieabbau und Beschleunigung, z.B. von Klimaschutzprojekten, Projektmanagern auf Behördenseite, Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung und Akzeptanz. Das Buch wendet sich an alle, die mit Investitionen und Infrastrukturvorhaben befasst sind. Prof. Dr...

CHF 148.00

Death In Venice

Mann, Thomas
Death In Venice
Death in Venice written by Thomas Mann, is a novella that delves into the psychological and existential themes of desire, decay, and the pursuit of beauty. Set in Venice during the early 20th century, the story follows Gustav von Aschenbach, a renowned writer in his late fifties. Aschenbach becomes infatuated with the ethereal beauty of a young Polish boy named Tadzio, whom he encounters at his hotel. Through vivid descriptions and introspecti...

CHF 19.50

Royal Highness

Mann, Thomas
Royal Highness
Royal Highness, is a classical and a rare book, that has been considered important throughout the human history, and so that this work is never forgotten we at Alpha Editions have made efforts in its preservation by republishing this book in a modern format for present and future generations. This whole book has been reformatted, retyped and redesigned. These books are not made of scanned copies of their original work, and hence their text is ...

CHF 41.90

Memoir of the REV. Richard Adams, of the New Forest

Mann, Thomas
Memoir of the REV. Richard Adams, of the New Forest
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This ...

CHF 44.90

La Muerte En Venecia

Mann, Thomas
La Muerte En Venecia
Gustav Von Aschenbach, a famous German writer, arrives in Venice at a mature stage of his life seeking to renew lost inspiration. From the quiet beach next to his hotel, he spends hours admiring the charm of young Tadzio, a Polish teenager who leads him into an internal struggle between desire and the forbidden that will make him renounce everything, including himself. Death in Venice is a subtle representation of the decadence of a Europe bes...

CHF 27.50

My German Schools and Schoolmasters, an Autobiographical ...

Mann, Thomas
My German Schools and Schoolmasters, an Autobiographical Narrative
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This ...

CHF 40.90

Mario und der Zauberer

Mann, Thomas
Mario und der Zauberer
Thomas Manns berühmte Novelle - erstmals als schön ausgestattete Geschenkausgabe in Leinen  Torre di Venere, Mitte August: Es ist heiß und voll in dem italienischen Badeort an der Mittelmeerküste. Der Strand ist fest in der Hand der »inländischen Mittelklasse«, die sich als wenig gastfreundlich und anstrengend patriotisch erweist. »Ärger, Gereiztheit, Überspannung« liegen von Anfang an in der Luft und entladen sich eines Abends bei einer Vo...

CHF 33.50

The Magic Mountain

Mann, Thomas
The Magic Mountain
Translated by H. T. Lowe-Porter, The Magic Mountain is Thomas Mann's story of an unassuming, undistinguished young engineer named Hans Castorp who sits on the balcony of a sanatorium, wrapped in his blanket, thermometer in his mouth, naively but earnestly pondering the meaning of life, time, and his love for the beautiful Frau Chauchat. Among the other characters on this Germanic ship of fools are Hofrat Behrens, the head doctor, and his heart...

CHF 23.90

Essays I 1893-1914

Mann, Thomas / Detering, Heinrich
Essays I 1893-1914
Dieser Band beinhaltet alle nichtfiktionalen Texte Thomas Manns von den Beiträgen zur Schülerzeitung >Frühlingssturm< 1893 bis zum Kriegsausbruch 1914. Die Essays beeindrucken durch die Vielfalt der Themen und Positionen und zeigen den jungen Thomas Mann als Literaturkritiker, Experimentator, Selbstdarsteller und Denker. Einige der wichtigen Texte zur Literatur und Dramatik (>Bilse und ich<, >Versuch über das Theater<, >Der Literat<) oder Port...

CHF 221.00